While it may seem like most women don't know what they want or that some of us want it all, which is usually true, a lot of us will be satisfied with just a select few qualities in a guy. Though this list may vary slightly depending on the woman you are dating, here are our five most common desires.
A GOOD man should be:
5) UNDERSTANDING- Most men will not always relate to our feelings or get why we do certain things. We will not always hold that against you as long as you accept the fact that we constantly have mood swings and change our minds for no apparent reason. IT'S JUST THE WAY WE ARE! You must also know how to communicate with your girl . Some of us are able to have an argument or disagreement with our man and then immediately talk it out to search for a logical solution. Others need some time to calm down before talking it out. (If this is your girl, don't try to force her to deal with the issue until she's ready or the situation will get a whole lot worse.) Because most women feel that they can do no wrong, even when they are the ones at fault, always be prepared to apologize or get the cold shoulder until she decides to forgive you. A good woman will admit her faults and accept your apology for doing wrong without giving you a hard time.
4) APPRECIATIVE- Every woman, especially those that are married, wants to feel like their man wants and needs them. This is why a lot of us go out of our way to please our men and sometimes put their needs before ours. If guys have ever wondered why their woman practically bent over backwards for them at the beginning of their relationship and now they can't get her to do anything for them, it's because she doesn't feel like you were grateful for her services before, so why would she continue to provide them? If your woman does as much for you as she does for herself then why not let her know that you appreciate it every once in a while? You could easily be one of those neglected boyfriends whose woman doesn't care if he's happy or not. Let her know how thankful you are with flowers or a card or maybe just a text message. Believe it or not IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
3) AFFECTIONATE- WARNING: DO NOT GO OVERBOARD. Everyone has heard the phrase "Less is More". Moderate affection is more than enough. Show your girl a little T.L.C from time to time by cuddling, holding hands, or just giving her a hug or a peck on the cheek. Although these actions may not seem significant, it makes all the difference to us women.
2) CONSIDERATE- There's nothing like a STRAIGHT man that actually cares about a woman's feelings and wants nothing more than to make her happy (don't confuse this with a "YES" man). If you really want to make your woman smile, DO THE LITTLE THINGS! Hold the door open, pull out her chair, and compliment her every once in a while. Most importantly, take notice of your woman's new looks. Though we may not admit it, we buy those new clothes and get that new hairstyle to get attention from our men. SO TAKE NOTICE! Point out her new hair cut or her new earrings. It may be a little old- fashioned, but it's sexy as hell.
1) HONEST- It's not that difficult to figure out that women require THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH when it comes to certain issues. It's possible that your woman may not always take the truth well, but keeping it 100 with her is a lot better than lying. As the saying goes, "The truth always prevails", and it's always better for her to discover it directly from you. Now notice I said tell the truth about "certain issues". If you truly know your woman, you've figured out the things that make her feel self-conscious about herself. For some women it's their height or weight, for others it's big ears or ugly feet. Whatever the case may be, never directly criticize your woman about her weakness even if she asks you to. For example, if your woman has some issues with her gut and she asks you if a certain shirt exposes that issue. Even though you know that the shirt barely covers her stomach and makes her look 5 months pregnant, PLEASE DON'T TELL HER THAT. Try expressing your dislike of the shirt in general, or maybe even suggest an alternative. Your goal is to build your woman up, not make her feel bad about her faults.
Don't get me wrong women expect so much more out of their men, just as men have expectations for women, but so many more attractive qualities stem from these characteristics. With consideration comes respect, with honesty comes trust, and with all these comes LOVE, which is what makes life worthwhile. Now no one is perfect and, even though it may seem like it sometimes, we don't expect you to be. But if you keep these 5 virtues in mind, your relationship will be a lot better off.