Tuesday, July 27, 2010

To Trust or Not to Trust

Trust is an important aspect in any relationship, but what do you do when the one you love doesn't trust you back? We've all been in the position where we don't trust, or at least have some doubts about some of the actions of, our boyfriend/girlfriend. We've wondered if they are where they say they're gonna be or seen a text from someone of the opposite sex on their phone and wondered if it was something more than just a text....but what happens when the tables are turned? What if your partner is the one questioning you, and you know you have done nothing wrong, disrespectful, or inappropriate? (and I don't mean those cheaters who are in denial)
It's essential to have trust, but for some people it just takes time. If the love you feel for that person is real and strong, then you will wait for him/her...and if he or she feels that same level of love, then trusting you will come in no time, as long as you continue to be COMPLETELY FAITHFUL. Communicate your desire for a life-long commitment to your boo on a regular (and I don't mean try to persuade or convince them of anything because if you're not doing anything wrong, there's no need for that). Just let them know how you feel...but if the feelings aren't mutual, or they aren't returned in the future then you have some decisions to make (of course I say end it, but hey that's just me).

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