Friday, February 26, 2016

Know Your Role

It's been a minute since my last post. Long story short, I'm in a relationship now (YAY me lol). Along with a new relationship comes constant communication with your boyfriend/girlfriend, aka learning one another and figuring out likes and dislikes. One thing I wanted to clarify with my boyfriend is his opinion on gender roles. I actually conversed with a few people on the topic. Surprisingly, people don't really adopt the old school idea that  men should be the sole bread winners and women are delagated to the home and children. Maybe it's our changing times, or maybe people or finally deciding to be realistic. A relationship should be a partnership. It makes much more sense to work with your partner and pick up the slack in whichever area they may be lacking. I believe that it takes two to be financially stable in this economy, AND it also takes two (possibly more) to properly raise our children and take care of our households. I have no problem cooking and cleaning, but I will also take out the trash or mow the lawn if need be. Luckily, my amazing boyfriend agrees that there is nothing wrong with a mam performing "domestic duties" (deemed so by traditional societies). My theory is that whoever is best at a task and enjoys doing it more should do it. If I prefer putting up a shelf more than cooking (which I do), then there is no reason I should be assigned to the latter just because it's more "womanly". Basically, a relationship's roles should be based on what works for the people in that relationship. Just remember to contribute something, be considerate and know your role. ✌🏽️
